Release Notes for MECCA 2000 version 5.33. Apr/18/2018 Fixed: 1. Certain OTF (OpenType Fonts) don't contain "FontFamily" information, causing error notification to appear when they are being installed. This situation is now caught, and dealt with using the first token -- those characters before the first dash -- in the full font name (psfxlfd). 2. Mirror: area graduation angle was incorrectly set. Also, "Do as New Copy" did not maintain group (m2kbin). 3. The composer program (galeyc) sometimes used substituted font data (xlate table and character widths) for composition, when the current font and style combination does not match a known font. However, it did not mark the resulting text as using the substituted font. For example: \cf ti^\i^In Times Italic, then go into Symbol for \cf sym^ABCD \cf ti^, and now back to Times (still in Italic). Since there's no such thing as "Symbol Italic", the "ABCD" gets composed using Symbol Normal (sym/n) font data. On output, that text is marked incorrectly as using sym/i for font. This is now corrected. The example above now results in "ABCD" using font "sym/n" (galeyc, pmunu, typdrv, m2kbin). Changed: 1. Retired searching code to match font size range for APS-5.