Release Notes for MECCA 2000 version 6.05. 2021-12-20 -- previous released version was v6.02; v6.03 and 6.04 were not separately released, but are included in 6.05. Fixed: 1. batchcomp did not delete all work files upon completion, which can clog up the folder for work files (normally /var/tmp), over time (batchcomp). 2. User's choice for the character size limit beyond which outline-fill will be used (instead of rasterizing glyphs), in Window dialog, is now saved in user's ~/.m2k.tcl file when the Window dialog is closed (m2kprocs.tcl). 3. The "dblen" value reported by gpcdump was incorrect (gpcdump). Changed/New: 1. Updated Tcl/Tk components to 8.6.12 (m2kbin, typdrv, exptxt,,,, tclsh8.6, wish8.6, libs/, libs/, libs/tcl8.6, libs/tk8.6). 2. Updated some old 32-bit executables to 64-bit (frmpos, prtgraf, potrace2g, x1dump, xtblmake, otfconv, ftolg, mkolg, mkolg_all, ftversion). --note: old 'psolg' program is now retired, replaced by ftolg which handles TT/OT and Type1 font files. 3. Updated GD library to 2.3.1 (,, sampletext).